The services provided by PROTECNA are:
Engineering Designs
Protecna has a multidisciplinary team to develop specialty projects for the licensing and execution phases. The engineering projects cover structures, supply and drainage networks, thermal, acoustic, electricity, telecommunications (ITED) and air conditioning, ventilation and heating (HVAC), fire safety in buildings (SCIE), constructive 3D modeling in BIM, among other services.
Health and Safety Coordination and Quality Control of Constructions
The Health and Safety Coordination service is provided by trained technicians who allow coordination of the various entities involved in the work, with the aim of effectively controlling good working conditions with the premise of reducing work accidents. and comply with applicable legal requirements. Decree-Law no. 273/2003 of 29 October regulates safety and health conditions at work in shipyards, with safety coordination on site being one of its requirements.
Consulting and Management of Licensing Processes in Councils
Protecna has a team with extensive experience in consultancy and management of processes that involve direct contact with the licensing and certifying entities, with the great advantage of the good articulation between entities allowing greater fluidity in the licensing processes.
Consulting of Geotechnical and Structures issues in Constructions
Geotecnia’s consultancy service involves a team of technicians with knowledge in soil sciences who develop integrated studies in the area of Geotechnics and Geology, and when necessary, knowledge on the level of stability and peripheral containment is also applied. In partnership with other companies in the area, which use their own technical means, Protecna has the skills to carry out geotechnical exploration work.
Fire Safety Procedures
Self-protection measures are required by the Legal System for Fire Safety in Buildings (RJSCIE) in buildings of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th risk category. This document consists of the compilation of technical information that includes preventive measures, intervention measures in the event of fire, safety records and simulations for testing self-protection measures.
Seismic Vulnerability Report
Protecna’s team is composed of Graduates and Masters in Engineering coordinated by a Structural Specialist from the Order of Engineers.
For the study of Seismic Vulnerability, linear and non-linear analysis software is used for the structural analysis of the existing building and any changes resulting from architectural interventions.
The Seismic Vulnerability report is now required by Ordinance No. 302/2019 in rehabilitation works, and will also require the preparation of a Seismic Reinforcement Project when applicable.
Energy Performance Certificates
The Energy Certification service is applicable to new or existing buildings. Since January 1, 2009, it is mandatory to present an Energy Certificate, for buildings / built fractions, at the time of sale or lease. Protecna has the technical means and
equipment that allow the assessment and issuance of the energy certificate by Qualified Experts by ADENE.
Technical Surveys of Buildings
Protecna has a multidisciplinary team that analyzes the building in its various aspects, namely, structures, supply, drainage, electricity, gas, among others, using technical equipment (endoscopic chamber, thermographic camera, drone, etc.) that allow better interpretation of pathologies.
The expert report results in a report (PT or EN), which presents a detailed survey of the problems detected and the proposal for measures to improve and maintain the building.
Properties Valuation
Protecna is registered with the CMVM under the registration number: PAI / 2012/0061 and provides Real Estate Appraisal services, which consist of a detailed analysis of all elements of the building including its geographic surroundings, culminating in a technical report where the proposed value for the property is presented.
Coordination, Quality Control, Safety, Terms and Costs of Designs and Constructions
The Coordination and Control of Quality, Safety, Deadlines and Costs is a global service that results in the presentation of monthly reports to the Project Owner on the development of works and quality control, safety, deadlines and costs, which represents the measures that have been taken or that need to be implemented for the proper development of the work.
Management of Constructions
Protecna has extensive experience in managing projects and works that allows for the profitability of works, namely for subcontractors and which can be complemented with other services.
Coordination of Legal Advisory
Protecna, as a project manager, sends its clients to lawyers or other qualified professionals with mastery of aspects related to construction and real estate, namely in hiring, buying and selling and urban planning.